Thursday, May 13, 2010

New and Improved Chun-Li remix available!

Hey all! My re-visited Chun-Li remix is now live on YouTube and available for download! I thank everyone who continues to support me and my music!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ryu, revamped.

I had some extra time, so I thought I would go ahead and upload my new Ryu remix now. Here it is. TELL me it's not better than the old one!

You can download the mp3 here.

Honda, Cammy, & re-visiting some old mixes.

Hey what's up everyone? So I just uploaded remixes of E. Honda (available for download here) and Cammy (available for download here) to my YT page. But I'm not done just yet. You see, I have been working on Street Fighter II: In The House for about 3 years now, believe it or not, and my production skills have seen a tremendous improvement in that time. So what I am doing now is I am going to re-release all of the remixes I've done so far (so Blanka, Ken, Chun-Li, Dhalsim, and Zangief) and get rid of the old ones (Maybe. I might keep them up on the page for posterity, but I'm leaning more towards 86-ing them).

Now, you may have noticed that I've left one person out. "What about Ryu?" you may be asking right about now. Well, I am just not happy with the remix I did for him at ALL. I feel like I could have put SO much more into it, so I did. I created a BRAND NEW remix for Ryu and I will be releasing it to my YT page momentarily, definitely within the month.